Street/Road Lights; Traffic Signals Smart Controller – Fully Automatic, Wireless, State of the Art, WiFi Automation Solution – Based on Advanced ‘IoT Technology’


Fully Automatic Electricity Saving Wireless Smart WiFi Device from Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals
Keeping in view the current situation where electricity prices are shooting up day by day and badly affects the businesses viability, finally we have come up only for you with our best customized solution to reduce
your electricity bills and also to make enable you to get maximum utilization from the your Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals.
Save electricity from Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals during daytime/off business hours/when not required and achieve maximum utilization and cost cuts in electricity bills to control (On/Off) them exactly only when it is required. Multiple timers are available in our Smart Device which enables you to configure
them in different time slabs according to your need and implement them, these timers will executive automatically on daily basis. You don’t even need to be physically present for any kind of manual action.

Simple and easy device to make Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals smart and control it from
mobile/tablet or PC. This is 3-in-1 smart device to control Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals and electricity bills smartly and achieve maximum utilization with 100% accurate results. So we are offering
you a single state of the art advanced technological smart device with 3 given built in functions giving you a choice to use and activate any of 1 or 2 or all functions as per you needs and requirements.

1. WiFi HotSpot: Device creates its own WiFi hotspot network and allows user to connect with the device and control the Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals via Android Mobile App, PC or Mobile interface

2. Existing WiFi Network: Connect device with your existing WiFi network (home/office router) and allow you to control the Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals within your existing WiFi network via Android Mobile App, PC or Mobile interface

3. IoT Ready: Connect with the internet and make your device IoT Ready and allow you to control the
Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals from anywhere via Android Mobile App, PC or Mobile interface


Key Features:

• Simple Plug and Play Installation
• Work with internet/WiFi or work without internet (Device creates its own WiFi hotspot network)
• Has built-in timers support to control (On/Off) Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals on a time schedule as you set with 100% accuracy
• Support multiple timer schedules i.e. more than 1 time slots for the times as you want
• Set timer schedules only once and it will automatically execute on daily basis with 100% accuracy
• No load shedding affects the smart device with regards to time reset, rebooting, debugging etc. It
works accurately on predefined timer schedules automatically
• Simple user-friendly interface to configure automatic time schedules for many timer slots to turn
On/Off Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals at any specific times, like at 1:00am to 2:00am and/or 3:00am to 4:00am and/or 6:00am to 7:00am

• Support Sunrise and Sunset Built-in timer. Street/Road Lights, Traffic Signals can be set On, before or after X minutes of Sunrise or Sunset
• Rugged design for long term use
• Low cost, low power operation
• Small device with no long wires, walls digging, unpleasant display, extra installation and overage
• Smart & compact size, and easy to mount/fix
• Works with all already installed traditional electrical wires/switches/buttons etc.
• Support up to 1.5-16.0A Load
• 24/7 access
• Android Mobile App/PC based user-friendly interface for configuration the settings

Advance Add-on Licensed Features:

o Make your device IoT (Internet of Things) Ready
o End to end fully automated and integrated Control Room Solution on large commercial basis
o Enable Push ON/OFF mobile app notifications for your Android mobile
o Voice control with Google Assistant (through IFTTT)
o Seamless integration with our others Smart Automation Tools

System Requirements:

• Android/iOS/Table/PC with latest web browser
• Voltage 100-250V AC
• Max. Input Current 6.5A or upto 16.0 A
• Max. Input Power 1100Watts (1.5HP) or upto 3000Watts (4.0HP)
• Device Max. Power 2.0Watts


Our Smart Automation Solutions have the unique features of extendibility, integrability and compatibility with other solutions that are our key success factors.

We always ensure 100% Satisfaction, Accuracy and After Services for our products.

Additional information

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